For Immediate Release
Alameda, Ca 4-05-2024
ArtPush Creative Art Program & Girls Inc. G.E.M.S Announce Kids Art Workshop and Gallery Exhibit
With a goal of introducing kids to art as a way to envision a better future, local artists and children will come together for a creative workshop held on Sunday, April 7th 10:00am-2:30pm at Studio 23 in Alameda. A gallery exhibit “The Future Is Female” will take place at Studio 23 Gallery on Sunday, April 14th at 6pm-7:30pm. Resistance Press 510 and LaLande Studios, Studio 23’s neighboring galleries, will also be open during the gallery exhibit.
Important Dates:
CAP & G.E.M.S Workshop: Studio 23 Gallery | Sunday, April 7th 10am-2:30pm | Registration is closed
CAP & G.E.M.S Gallery Exhibit: “The Future Is Female” | Studio 23 Gallery | Sunday, April 14th 6-7:30pm
Studio 23 Gallery
The gallery’s mission is to support local artists; those that are already established and emerging artists new on the scene. The gallery will focus on unique, contemporary, experimental, and modern visual art as well as classic techniques with a fresh perspective.
Address: 2309B Encinal Ave. Alameda, Ca 94501 (Corner of Encinal Ave & Oak Street)
Phone: 415-580-2309
E-Mail: [email protected]
What to expect at the exhibit “The Future Is Female” Sunday April 14th 6pm-7:30pm. RSVP
East Bay Artists will be showing artwork alongside the G.E.M.S. girls from Girls Inc of the Island City. Featuring art by Noni; ColorBlynd by Noni Title: “Jubilant Princess”
Savannah will be playing your favorite songs, Jeshka Yurish with Magick Fern will have the Bling Bar out where she will be glamming faces. Snacks and cupcakes provided by Julie’s coffee and tea Garden.
Creative Art Program (CAP)
ArtPush’s Creative Art Program focuses on education through artistic expression. The goal of the workshop is to get children really thinking and imagining themselves in a future with limitless possibilities. Visualization is a great tool to get kids moving towards a successful future.
ArtPush: Promoting arts in the bay area.
ARTPUSH is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization based in Alameda California and serving the entire bay area. We are a group of artists that love the arts and helping fellow artists. ArtPush is dedicated to promoting and supporting artists by sponsoring regular shows and exhibits, workshops, annual festivals in collaboration with community groups, organizations, and local businesses.
G.E.M.S. (Girls. Empowerment. Mentoring. Support.) is offered at Bay Farm, Earhart, Edison, Franklin, Love, Maya Lin, Otis, Paden, and Ruby Bridges. The program, designed by Girls Inc. of the Island City, specifically for girls in Alameda Unified School District schools and focuses on social emotional learning, academic success, building healthy relationships, anti-bullying, leadership, and developing confidence and self-esteem. G.E.M.S. is a one hour, once per week program offered during the school day and is led by one of our Girls Inc. of the Island City facilitators. Registration for G.E.M.S. is done at the girl’s school site. For more information, please call 510.521.1743.
We would like to thank our generous sponsors and partners:
Art Supplies have generously been provided by Flax Art & Design in Oakland. Julie’s Coffee & Tea Garden will be supplying the workshop with delicious and healthy lunches as well as treats for the gallery exhibit too! Studio 23 Gallery in Alameda has donated the space for the children’s art workshop & exhibit.
Flax Art & Design:
Julies Coffee & Tea:
Studio 23 Gallery:
Girls Inc. of the Island City:
Creative Art Program:
Staff List:
Program Creator & Organizer: ArtPush Executive Director & gallery owner at Studio 23 Gallery: Jessica Warren
ArtPush CEO & Organizer: Wesley Warren
Program coordinator: Hashima Daily at Girls Inc. of the Island City
Program Coordinator: Caroline Ford at Girls Inc. of the Island City
Lead Teacher & Artist: Terrie Shultz
Assistant Teacher & Artist: Deirdre Freeman
Artist Speaker: Zoë Boston
Artist Staff: Alana Dill & Szonic Allure
CAP Flier Artwork created by: Noni; ColorBlynd by Noni
Title: “Jubilant Princess”
Photographer: Carree Michel
DJ: Savannah
Bling Bar by Magick Fern
All volunteers can be found on the website.
Press Contact
Jessica Warren